is the network of fifty-five national organizations of shareholders and investors, which the VZMD's (PanSlovenian Shareholders' Association) international investors program, – Invest to Slovenia, and its media,, are also a part of. This year from the 19th to the 23rd of September, through its program will be organizing the Investors' Week that will revolve around its main event the investo Expo, which will be on the 20th and 21st at the prestigious Slovenian cultural and congress center, Cankar Hall. This will mark the world's largest international meeting of investors' representatives, which will comprise of over 100 representatives of investors and shareholders, including members of EuroFinuse – European Federation of Financial Services Users, Euroshareholders – European Organization of Shareholders Associations, and the WFI – World Federation of Investors, which together just in Europe embody over 4 million individual investors and shareholders. This will mark the first time that all three prominent organizations and its members will meet simultaneously.

We invite you to view the Video Announcing Investors' Week, in which many prominent investors' representatives and European institutions expressed their anticipation and interest for Investors' Week. Following, we have also included some relevant VZMD.TV and video reports about the intensive, international activities of the VZMD and the program.

We welcome you to participate and present your company or institution at the investors' convention, investo Expo, on the 20th and 21st of September, where a wide range of not only Slovenian but also international industries, institutions, and products will be presented and promoted with the hope of establishing new business relations, opportunities, and capital for participating guests and partners. Furthermore, at the investo Expo, conference sessions, discussion groups, and educational workshops will be offered for visitors and guests, providing a proactive approach to gain knowledge from experts.

Please contact us to become a part of this memorable event, where the investors' world will meet in Ljubljana.



Other Notable International Activities:

Investors' Representatives Discuss the Up-Coming Investors' Week (Ljubljana, May 2012)

WFI President, Jean-Pierre Paelinck, Lectures in Seoul, South Korea (South Korea, May 2012)

VIDEO REPORT - and VZMD Actively Participate at the Ljubljana Stock Exchange's Slovene Capital Market Day 2012 for the Third Year (Ljubljana, April 2012)

VIDEO REPORT - Kapital 2012 - Active Participation of the VZMD,, (Ljubljana, April 2012)

VIDEO REPORT - Prominent Participants of Two Key International Conferences in Bled, India and Slovenia as Business Partners and CloudForum, Show Interest in the Investors' Week in September in Slovenia(Bled, March 2012)

VIDEO REPORT - International Conference at the Brussels Stock Exchange Stimulated Investors' Representatives and Institutions to Participate at the Investors' Week 2012 in September in Slovenia(Brussels, March 2012)

VIDEO HIGHLIGHTS from the Euroshareholders & VZMD Award Ceremony, Holiday Party, and Announcement of the World's Largest Meeting of Investors' Representatives in 2012 in Slovenia (Ljubljana, December 2011)

VIDEO REPORT - The Arrival of the President of the WFIC - World Federation of Investors Corporation, Who Will Announce the Largest Meeting of Investors' Representatives, Which the VZMD Will Organize Next Year in Slovenia, and the Recipients of the "Most Shareholder Friendly" and "Courageous Market Steps" Awards, Which Will Be Presented to the CEOs of Mercator and Nova KBM at the VZMD Reception Ceremony(Ljubljana, December 2011)

Very Successful Visit of the AEMEC Conference and at the Headquarters of Santander Bank in Madrid(Madrid, November 2011)

EUROSHAREHOLDERS General Assembly - Slovenia voted as Member of the Board; Russia and EFES Accepted as Associate Members; General Secretary, President, and Vice-Presidents Elected to Another Term; Next Assembly to Be Held in Slovenia(The Hague, October 2011)

The World Federation of Investors' Corporation (WFIC) General Meeting in Warsaw - Next Year the WFIC GM Will Be in Ljubljana; The Newly Established Affiliate of - Invest to Slovenia, - Invest to Montenegro, Was Elected as a New Association Member(Warsaw, October 2011)

"Slovenian Day at the Warsaw Stock Exchange (WSE)" Exceptional Interest of Funds, Investors, and the Financial Media for Slovenian Companies and Its Investment Environment - The Introduction of - Invest to Slovenia's Newly Founded Affiliate, - Invest to Montenegro(Warsaw, October 2011)

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